Monday, December 17, 2007

Number Tree!

The third part of James's meme is your favorite board game. As many of you know my family is sort of the game family. We have spread different games far and wide to everyone we know. We really should get paid. So I don't have one favorite game. I have a list, but I guess most/none of these are actually board games.

-Puerto Rico: A delightful game where you build your own colony. It's pretty hard to explain but let's just say that my favorite part is when the colonists (those little brown dots in the picture) come to your colony.*
-The Great Dalmuti: An awesome game that teaches the lesson that "life is not fair." (Nasty pictures though.) Spider pit, spider pit.
-Greedy Hands: An exciting game that will either make or break you.
-Citadels: A super fun game. Just make sure that James doesn't become king.

*It's pretty funny. When the come I greet them. "Heeellloooo little people! Thank you for coming to my colony!!"


Lauren said...

I love your list! You are 100% right about not making James king. I heart the picture of Sammus, and I may use it for future blackmail along with Will's picture of him as...I shant say it. I would like to try Puerto Rico sometime, so that I can hear you welcoming the colonists. I can almost hear it now. "Heeellloooo little people! Thank you for coming to my colony!!"

Luisa Perkins said...

I love all these games. We need to have a game marathon day over Christmas break, m'kay? M'kay.

Elizabeth said...

I had forgotten about that picture. It IS the perfect Greedy Hands picture.

We still have to get you to play Ticket to Ride.