Saturday, December 15, 2007

It Takes TWO!!

The second part of James's meme is the easiest song you can get stuck in your head.
Now I'm having trouble with this. Does it mean the simplest song that gets in my head or is it the song that's in my head the most?
Well, I won't do either of those. I'll do my favorite song.
It is.....
"It Takes Two" from "Into the Woods" but you see, it must be sung with Chip Zien. MUST.
I don't know what it is, but his voice makes me melt. It might just be in that song, but still...
Here is a clip, but you have to go to the very end. That's when they sing the song.
If you've never seen "Into the Woods" then you MIGHT be confused when you watch the clip. And if you haven't seen it then see it! It's fablus.


Luisa Perkins said...

Once you are done with James's meme, I just tagged you for another one. 'Cause I'm sadistic like that. ;)

Luisa Perkins said...

Oh, and dude--I was IN Into the Woods. Yep. It rocked.