Friday, September 28, 2007

Note to self

Just in case nobody new, it's REALLY gross when people blow their nose at the table. Specifically while people are eating. This has now happened to me WAY too many times. It must end now! I would prefer it if nobody ever blew their nose, but then I think of the effect of that.... yuck.


Luisa Perkins said...

Don't you think the alternative would be worse?

marialuigi said...

We are leaky, soppy, runny people. I would rather hear a good nose blow than the constant sniffing and slurping that can go on. Because, when one sniffs and snorts, well...where does that stuff go? Things safely tucked in a tissue...that's the way to go.

JennaMae said...

Also one of my biggest pet peeves, Mary--to other blogger's comments--Nose blowing is allowed, encouraged, even admirable--I think the only concern is the location. Please, leave the table, go to the bathroom, and blow to your heart's content. Or step back a few paces, or push back your chair even, or just turn your head a little while you do it. Although, hypocritically I've heaved more than my fair share of mucous out at the dinner table but of course I can't imagine that MY nose-blowing at the table is as onerous as other people's.

Mary said...

None! Nobody do any of it! Just chop off your noses and stop the madness!!