Thursday, September 20, 2007

Evil beings

We have a super fly. Seriously, every time it gets near me I stop everything I'm doing to try and kill it. I could have sworn that flies only live for 24 hours. That might be true for most flies, but not this one. Ergo SUPER fly. I'm thinking of ways to kill the fly when in the car today I remember Sis M-tez's technique... vacuuming them. I know, I'm as shocked as you are. I would love to vacuum this evil fly, but there are three reasons why I shouldn't do this. One: Our vacuum is way too bulky to run around the house with. Two: I would probably break everything in the house trying to catch the fly. Three: I would act like a total fanatic and people at the bus stop would question my sanity.
So you see my problem. What I really want is for the fly to drop dead. But I think that's out of the question.

1 comment:

Luisa Perkins said...

Mary, you must take action. Your family's fate is in your hands.