Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fine. Be that way.

Barack Obama, all the way.


Luisa Perkins said...

As great as he is, I don't think it's gonna happen.

I'm afraid if Obama were President, the first time he went to Capitol Hill, Congress would beat him up and take his lunch money. He just looks too fragile and nerdy that way: bully magnet.

Hillary's our best bet, IMHO. Ain't nobody gonna mess with her.

Lauren said...

Or Romney.

marialuigi said...


With a Y said...

I agree with Luisa about the Obama part not so much the Hillary part.

Torie Hamilton said...

I agree that noone will mess with hillary. SHe frightens me a bit. Is she human? Obama is fragile looking I'd like to see him as vice president. No way Hillary could be vice president for Obama though.