Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Meme of Death

OKAY! Okay. I know that Alice didn't tag me for this one, but I insist on "doing" it.

This meme is...
My Top Ten Fictional Characters From Novels That I Am Madly In Love With And Would Gladly Meet, Fall In Love With And Live Happily Ever After Were I Not Under 18 And In No Situation Whatsoever To Begin Any Sort Of Romantic Connections; Fictional Or Otherwise.

Alice's first one is my inspiration for the tagging of myself.

"Edward Cullen- I guarantee that every other girl I send this meme to with have the exact same number one as me. Edward is the unbelievably gorgeous, sensitive, vegetarian vampire that is the star of Stephenie Meyer's genius Twilight. Yes, Jacob is cool, but Edward is........incredible! The whole fictionality of him (is fictionality a word Luisa?) is what makes him so... Do you know that phrase, "You want what you can't have". Well, there you go! Completely fictional and unreachable, even to the main mistress Bella, and completely mysterious and enigmatic."

Uhh. Is that a money back guarantee!?! Because I'm pretty sure Edward wouldn't even be on my top 10! Oh snap!!
No. I don't care much for Eddy, he... annoys me. Ugh! Look what you've done! Now next time I see people I'm just going to yell, "NO!! You're wrong! Why Edward!?" The more I think about it the more I (Dare I say it? ...No.) super dislike him. Jacob. Only Jacob.
*Evil Look (that means you, Jess)*

I'm right you're wrong. That is all I have to say about this entire subject.

Don't forget the "contest" for the picture.


Lauren said...

Well...every other girl that gets tagged will. But I haven't tagged anyone let me go do that.

Luisa Perkins said...

I am so with you. It's all about Jacob.

But aren't you going to give us some other literary loves?

C'mon, Mareeeeeeee!

Luisa Perkins said...

I gave you a most especial award today. See my blog for details.

Anonymous said...

Muahahahah! <3 Edward forever! Jacob is a brat. Nyah.

Caitlin Fischetti said...

Is this even an argument?!
JACOB. come on girlsss

Elizabeth said...

Edward is interesting, but I can never quite get past the cold marble thing. Sounds uncomfortable.

Jacob is my favorite. I can forgive him all his flaws. He is young and new to all this werewolf business.